

《 Feng Shui 1 - Countries 》

[ Countries ]

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The following picture was predicted by Steven Teoh who is master in Feng Shui, Astrology and Name Consultant.

     The map of the country USA look like a wolf, the head was facing the north ATLANTIC ocean and the back was facing PACIFIC ocean. The energy of the Feng Shui situated in the head of the wolf and that area was belong to NEW YORK and Washington . The normal Feng shui area was belong to San Francisco and California. The characteristic of the wolf was cunning and love to outshine others down . People was clever investment in business and wars. The eyes of wolf was gazed at the middle east country and the CHINA.

     The map of the Mexico look like a DONKEY the Feng Shui energy was in the donkey’s head, that place was YUCATAN PEN. AND MEXICO.
The characteristic of the donkey was hard working.

     The map of the country Canada look like goat . The feng shui energy was in the goat’s head , the area belong to the OTTAWA and TORONTO.
The characteristic of the goat was good in team work and management.