

《 Fish and Feng Shui 》

[ Fish and Feng Shui ]

        Pisciculture belong to water. In Feng Shui, north belong to water. Things that represent water had water pool, fish lake, well, waterfall and mineral water.
Talking about mineral water, Mr. Steven Teoh had help our country's mineral water to check the Feng Shui location. Now, their product already famous among other country.

        Now, Mr.Steven Teoh would like to provide the secret of Fish and Feng Shui so that you can earn more money.

1. If the person's element is fire, is this person able to feed the fish?
The five element is an unreplacement things in this universe. if the person's element is fire, he need to arrange the aqarium in the prosperous location and wealth location, it still will bring the riches to that person. But don't put it in the person's "fu" location and north.

Five element that relate with each others:
Gold grow Water >> Water grow Tree >> Tree grow Fire >> Fire grow earth >> earth grow Gold.

Five element that restrain each others:

Gold restrain Tree >> Tree restrain Earth >> Earth restrain Water >> Water restrain Fire >> Fire restrain Gold.
  1. The correct decorate of aquarium can bring in the wealth and rich.
  2. The aquarium should locate in master's wealth location
  3. The water level of aquarium should not higher than the master's heart, it will bring the pressure of work to the master.
  4. The water level of aquarium should not higher than eyebrown, it will bring master sick and unexpected calamity
  5. The water level of aquarium should not higher than master's head, it will bring a lot of problem, lazy and law's problem
  6. The aquarium facing exactly the god position or stove, it will cause the family relation become bad.
  7. The aquarium's water not clear will causing the master sick.
  8. The aquarium locate at south-west and north-east, carefull of the master's love will become unstable.
  9. The aquarium's angle should not face exactly to the door, it will bring accident to the family.
A good location to place the aquarium will help the master to terminate something that are not good.

After you place your aquarium and didn't see any progress, your land's energy should had problem, please contact Mr. Steven Teoh. Contact Number: 019-5771619.