

《 Luo Pan 12 Star 》

[ Luo Pan 12 Stars ]

Tian Ji star

You have stable finances and are showered with luck and prosperity most of the time. This makes you very popular in social networks, and your family and life will be very happy. However, things take a downward turn when they cross the limit. You are totally incompatible with people under the influence of other stars, and although well relationships seems in the beginning, no good ending will come of these relationships. Fortunately, God had taken care to give certain talents, which will help you overcome those prroblems. You will lead a peaceful, stable life and make a name for yourself. Be thankful for these favours.

Huo Xing star

If you find that your luck is not running smoothly, using your resourcefulness could help you achieve success. You will have wealth, power and lots of energy besides carving out a good achievement career-wise, as you have the protection of a lucky star. However, you rashness could lead to some downfails.

Di Kong star

Your fae is one of failures and hard work without results. You family ties are very weak, and you could lose your parents and become separated from your siblings. You are always frustrate and never seem to come across good luck. Coorperation with a person of another unlucky star could be dangeruos, as it would bring bad luck and destruction of a family. Your career will mostly end up in defeat, and nothing will seem to work for you; as a matter of fact, your whole life is a dilemma. Do not get involved in things you are not familiar with, instead emphasize on your individually in order to lead a peaceful life.

Tian Tong star

You are gentle but firm, and thus have the potential to be very successful person. You have valuable talents, but are always biased by nature. This, and your tactiessness as well as your weird mood swings may make others envy you. Thus, your social inter-course is affected. Fortunatelyif you have the will to change for the better and will be able to discard your proudness. with the help of your charming looks, you will able to set up a large business; but if you rush into doing things, there is the possibility of your luck running out.

Zi Wei star

Fame and fortune will find its way to you, and you will live a perfect life where lots of luck is showered upon you. Your quick-wittedness and leadership abilities enable you to have a successful career which will expand to no end.

Wu Qu star

You have an air of authority about you that makes you a great leader. You are dignified, and will enjoy all the luxures of life. It cannot be helped that there are a few points in life where some hardships will surface, but all you need to do is take things easy, one step at a time. You will star a family and a career from scratch, and if you are willing to take risks, you could be very successful. But, over-zealousness could spell disaster. Women with masculine characters could conflict easily with others, while men will have to beware of extra-marital affairs, which could lead to the destruction of the family.

Lian Zhen star

You have kindliness and high moral values, enjoy felicity and longevity, wealth and luck, wonderful leadership abilities-almost everything a person would wish for in life. This, you are well liked and will gradually develop a great business, which is a sign of honour and splendour. Women should mind their conduct and avoid getting involved with another man. Career women will be very dominant and sucessful in her career.

Tai Yang star

There is the presence of the both auspiciousness and longevity in your life, where Yin and Yang will be bound to each other completely. Honor, dignity and a great success is part of your fate as you are equipped with high moral values, wealth, kindliness and good leadership skills. Your spirits are usually very high, and you will be very healthy both physically and mentally. Auspiciousness, longevity, prosperity, as well as fam, wealth and power will be all be part of your life.

Tian Fu star

You are destined to possess a large amount of oney. Hard workand starting a family from scratch, as well as health, fame and wealth are also part of your fate. Several hard- ships along the way cannot be avoided. However, you are capable of planning good strategies, and will thus prevail. As you are very much prosperos, you will accumulate a lot of wealth, which will be able to support you for a lifetime and more. The only blemish is that you tend to focus too much on your areer and neglect your personal life.

Lu Cun star

Your fate is a weak and common one which you will not able to alter. You will also find it very hard to achieve success. It is not that you do not have the ambition. Only that you lack leadership skills and the ability to command the respect and thrust of others, so whatever you do is of no use. However you are inclined towards art and crafting; development towards these aspects would see you achieve success. Kindness, capability and moderation will help you be more authoritative and bring you lots of luck.

Qi Sha star

There are signs of manu obstacles in your life. Being willing to sacrifice yourself for noble causes, you are also chivarious and righteous. However, the more you try to do, the more hardships you will face, making your life a turbulent one. There could be some chance of succeeding if you are willing to risk something, but most of your trials will end in defeat. There are signs to show that you could end up in poverty and sorrow. Your coordination with another very unlucky person would end up in sickness and injury.

Tian Xiang star

You are good at reading worldly affairs and capable of achieving much. However you tend to rely too much on your instincts and are a little lazy by nature, thus making you feel disappointed, lonely and pessimistic. You cannot stand failure, but also lack the fighting spirit. If you are willing to put in hard work and lots of concentration, there is a chance of succeeding. Emotional people will find themselves lonely and sickly.