

《 Q & A 》

[ Q & A ]

Q1: We are a twin brother, will we have a same life chart?
Ans: Yes, both of you will have the same life chart, but you may have
different result if you stay in the different place. As we know three ways of study will bring us success, 1st Good timing, 2nd Feng shui (location) 3rd Characteristic.An old saying, 1st Fate, 2nd Luck, 3rd Feng shui (location), 4th Moral character,  5th Study.
If we discover our destiny with the bad luck, will it brings more pressure in our life?
Ans: Don’t worry our “laser compass” will help you to solve the problem, whether you are influenced by the wrong timing, bad Feng shui and characteristic. In this new century, it seems to be the “fast eat the slow”. So we have set up the website, help you to point out mistake so you can be corrected. Please visit our website:


What is the combination of western and oriental astrology. Can it be true?
Ans: An extend of 20 years of research and practice, we have found this combination of western and oriental astrology work 100% correctly. We believe the earth is join up with two semi circle separated by the time zone i.e. the western and
eastern region.


What is the difference between the western and the oriental Feng shui . Will it work in an effective way?
Ans: Western Feng shui study is more concentrated in Environmental science. Example : the high tension cable, soil erosion, air pollution etc.Oriental Feng shui study is more concentrated in personal environment. Try to satisfy his mood and psychology effect Example :The structure of the building, location
of the door, interior decorated with the eight sided PA KUA symbol, bell, coin, clock and landscape painting etc.So the combination of western and oriental Feng shui theory have been set into my laser compass, sure it will brings you the